Aristea ecklonii
Family: Iridaceae
Aristea ecklonii image
General Administrator  
Aristea ecklonii BAKER - Plante de 30-100 cm de haut. - Prairies subalpines et clairières des forêts de montagne, souvent sur des sols marécageux ou tourbeux, 2000-3300 m - RUH, CYA, GIK.- Régions montagneuses de l'Afrique intertropicale, Afrique du Sud. - Fig. 35.2. Auquier 3603 ; Bamps 3257 ; Michel 5094 ; Troupin 2679, 13099, 15445.

1987. Flore du Rwanda. Volume IV


Aristea ecklonii is recognised by the compressed and relatively broad, sharply 2-winged flowering stem, rust-coloured floral bracts and sometimes spathes, and the relatively long, cylindric ovary (up to 8 mm long). The species is unmistakable in fruit as the elongated capsules are up to 20 mm long and deeply 3-lobed, showing the outline of the seeds.

Provided by: [A].e-Flora of South Africa Source: [18].